Vietnam 2023 Cartomancy


Someone might get lucky, sometime.

This is a continuation of last year's posts.

This post has nothing to do with ultras, or any of that.

Cartomancy, the four suits:

    Spades represent challenging tasks or events coming in the future.
    Hearts are about feelings, family, home, love, and relationships.
    Clubs represent positive things that are coming in the near future.
    Diamonds are all about money and finances.

Nov 9 2023

8 of Diamonds: Surprise romance or travel later in life

9 of Clubs: New admirer or opportunities, warning against stubbornness

10 of Clubs: Unexpected money, travel

I found these cards in the seasoning stacked-firewood yard of a traditional wood-fired ceramic factory we were visiting. Last year I found a discarded bong, used for smoking the "knock you on your ass" Thuoc Lao; literally Laotian Tobacco. Its a Vietnam thing.
When I tried it in 2019, I choked like a little girl. And I used to smoke a lot, in Ancient Days.

But since no trip is legit until I've lit up [according to my non-smoking friend PHX Glenn], here's proof:


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