Random Playing Card Oracle

Flip it, flip it real good. In late May 2020, I became interested in Cartomancy, the Playing Card Oracle. Basically its a parallel reading of Tarot, as per one explanation . "Telling fortunes by using regular playing cards is commonly called cartomancy. This article is a basic overview of the symbolic associations of the suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs), and the numbers and royal court within Western cartomancy." I won't get into the weeds on this-- having wasted too much time in previous life-situations where somehow cards would answer complicated questions. They don't. At best they can offer a cryptic random comment on your situation. When in doubt, look up while driving. The Four Suits Spades represent challenging tasks or events coming in the future. Hearts are about feelings, family, home, love, and relationships. Clubs represent positive things that are coming in the near future. Diamonds are al...