AC100: Wait List Of Glory

Last year's AC100 winner gets to wait his turn in the wait list. Just when the AC100 is getting its act together, it reverts to form. Rene Dorantes won it in 2018. And here he is, #93 on the wait-list. Really? Rene Dorantes, focused and unstoppable. All the previous years champions went up in flames. The previous year's winner used to be invited/admitted into the next year's race. This used to be customary and automatic. Another quaint and delirious custom from a bygone epoch is now buried in a shallow grave. Which begs the question: who's gonna get Bib #1? Again, this used to be worn by the previous year's champion. And the following 9 bibs were worn by other worthies of note. Things like this will be fun to note when they're assigned. Think I'm kidding? See for yourself . Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! UPDATE: Somebody got woke, on or around Jan 2 2019: The revised entrant list Revised Dec 31 1400hrs. Because I'm pissed. ...