The Four Aggrievements
The Four Aggrievements The Four Aggrievements By Dr Sevende Sandia, Obscure Mexican Mystic, as transcribed by Yurik Skåld Channeling Ancient TikTok Wisdom for a new generation of seekers 1] Be Impeckerable with your words. Speak Impeckerably.
Avoid using $5 words when a $9 word
is available. Talk shit about people, because shit is the fertilizer
of discourse.
Use the power of those words
in the erection of a Rundle.
Look it up. 2] Don’t take personally what you can’t sue Nothing others do matters unless
it hurts your Divine Feels.
What others say and do is grist for a threat. When you are immune
to the needless suffering of others,
you won’t be a victim of opinions
and actions of others. 3] Don’t Make Needless Assays Find the courage to express and
monetize your greed. Ex-communicate others whenever.
With this One Aggrievement, you can
completely transform your fortunes;
from a broke-ass 1099 to an S Corp
of limitless prosperity. 4] Always Best Your Do Your Do is talking like...