
Showing posts from January 9, 2022

The Four Aggrievements

The Four Aggrievements The Four Aggrievements By Dr Sevende Sandia, Obscure Mexican Mystic, as transcribed by Yurik Skåld Channeling Ancient TikTok Wisdom for a new generation of seekers 1] Be Impeckerable with your words. Speak Impeckerably.
Avoid using $5 words when a $9 word
is available. Talk shit about people, because shit is the fertilizer 
of discourse. 
Use the power of those words
 in the erection of a Rundle. 
Look it up. 2] Don’t take personally what you can’t sue Nothing others do matters unless
it hurts your Divine Feels. 
What others say and do is grist for a threat. When you are immune
to the needless suffering of others,
you won’t be a victim of opinions 
and actions of others. 3] Don’t Make Needless Assays Find the courage to express and 
monetize your greed. Ex-communicate others whenever.
 With this One Aggrievement, you can 
completely transform your fortunes;
 from a broke-ass 1099 to an S Corp
of limitless prosperity. 4] Always Best Your Do Your Do is talking like...