Indisputably SKT!

Now was a good time to take a pole. I received a lot of requests to repost this post that was part of my SKT story a few hours back . Long Story Indisputably Short I was in a 31 mile race, had drop a MEGA Deuce about 15 miles in, went to the Poop Lounge in a dry stream bed. That’s kind of near the Hurt Locker. But I didn't have to fall down an embankment. Then had to wipe my butt with a tree-branch. Came back out to finish the race. No POOPY PANTS FOR ME! BUT… I GOT CHICKED. Lots of times. Fuckin’ Betties passing my ass like I had a pulmonary enema or some shit! I DROPPED THE DEUCE, BUT NOT THE BOAT! Kept my hand out of the aid-station food trays until I Purell’d it and made sure there was no taint. Because I had to show that my asshole wasn't the boss. Several hours later my watch lost 30 minutes while I was recharging it. “GOD DAMN! You had ONE JOB.” But I took responsibility for it. Th...