Triple. Threat. Ultras!

Triple Threat Ultras are presented by SKT RibbonChasers®™ LLC; a wholly owned subsidiary of D&L Holistic Industries in partnership with Offshore Vacuum Party Ltd GmbH, and 401k DNS Holdings Ltd, Cayman Islands. Idatard 100-Mile Everyone is a winner here! You do the math! BYO helmet. The Körnhole 100 Based on the classic Kornhole 69 Hr Track Run. This rugged finisher's buckle is crafted from select off-cuts of All-American CX 3/4" plywood. Hand-tooled by D&L Holistic Industries' doe-eyed eco-femmes, in the offshore tax-havens of the Bang Slap Archipelago. INCOMPLETE RACE INFO: Height Categories: Dwarf, Average, and Too Damn Tall Weight: Anorexic, Uneasy-About-It, Love Handles & Roll-Overs, and Truck-Scale Worthy. Length: Guys, I suspect that this category will be most rife with obfuscations, hedgings, and outright cheating. Applicants/claimants will argue [invariably] that it all depends on who's doing the "examinations". With that said, he...