Wedding Vows: The Guy View
Wedding Vows: The Guy View A friend got married a while ago. Here are some ideas I had for his wedding vows. Let's see...since I don't have the laptop for the PowerPoint Presentation, I'll just write down a few "talking points". Yep! That sounds right. Cover my ass, make points, and have time left over for a big honkin liplock. BIG IDEAS Sketch out some Big Ideas, then get to particulars. First get through the "have and hold, sickness and health part". Don't mumble. Then I go for the gusto. 1] Honey, your ass will NEVER look big. Ever. It'll only look BETTER than it is if you strap on these Manolos. 2] Vacations: Paris, France, or Perris, CA...aaah, what the hell! I'm with you, and I love Le Quarter Midget stock car races. 3] When asked to choose in a Galactic Battle for World Domination Between Yanni and Kenny G, I'll ask you for the current odds in Vegas, then bet double down on the white guy. 4] The remote control. It'll never g...