Further Inquiries Into The Matter Of The Great White Fur-Bearing Freshwater Shark

(notes from the Estate of Dr Quadde, all rights reserved) Further Inquiries Into The Matter Of The Great White Fur-Bearing Freshwater Shark By Roccardo “Dick” Quadde, Rfp, SoQ, AmF. The waiting stack of arcana was irresistible. I began reading at the beginning. This Shark features prominently in the folklore of the indigenous Maeomo-Lipkat peoples: an enigmatic tribe who were regarded as peculiar by their Paiute and Shoshonean neighbors. Consequently little mixing occurred outside of trade. They were linguistic isolates, and spoke a language utterly unlike any other. They left little more than curious petroglyphs in isolated canyons. The first verifiable sighting of the Great White Fur-Bearing Freshwater Shark by a European came on August 25, 1787. Antonio Fuego de Culo y Ruidoso was lost in the High Dorkoliths while looking for a mountain pass that was the most direct route between Mojave and Tulare. His royal charter required him to note "all and divers Fishes, Fowles, Beastes...