J-Tree VisionKwest 2: The Unfolding Kontinues [xl]

Joshua Tree, April 2000. Dana and Andy getting solar-hammered while I was dragging ass behind. This is sole remaining evidence of a Truly Lost Weekend. Ominous Foreshadowing Intro Hanta ho, Truth Seekers. Mark the weekend of 7-9 April on your patriarchal, anthropocentric calendars as the time of this year's Millennial Visionkwest. Our Y2K theme, the brainchild of Mr. Trail Safety, is "Verlangen nach Dekonstruktion" [Appetite for Deconstruction]. Prepare accordingly. More information to follow, as the weekend looms closer. THE MAIN EVENT J-Tree VisionKwest 2: The Unfolding Kontinues [x l] Now is the time that opportunistic and eager scriveners set down for All Time the Truth of What Was, and the What Was Is and Remains... Joshua Tree: The Millenial VisionKwest 2. Searchers for their Krystal Visions®™ got exactly this, and no less. Casino Bingo was the Intellectual Author of the Kwest. Draw Poker was his single-degreed accomplice. And these two Intellectual Morons proce...