VeloMania: I Build A Front Bike Rack

I wanted a front rack on my urban MTB, but did not have a lot of money to spend on either a really good or really bad rack. This is how I built it. There are several DIY sites out there on how to build a bike rack. Materials used: [3] 36 x 1 x 1/8" aluminum bar stock 1 length of bar stock will be the horizontal box, overlapped and pop-riveted together. 1 length of bar stock will be both down-struts. 1 length of bar stock will be the deck w/ backstop. [2] 1" hose clamps [2] 3" double-stick foam tape, for each fork Pop rivets or stove bolts, as necessary for assembly I used a pop-rivet gun to secure the struts to the rack, and the deck to the assembled rack. You could easily use stove-bolts, I just had the pop-rivet gun handy. GENERAL ASSEMBLY This is all DIY improvised, based on available materials, and trying to get as much out it as possible. Your measurements will vary. BOLT ASSEMBLY ON FORKS Here is Mr Hose-Clamp/Strut Support. Take care when drilling the hole for...