Divine Madness, Love Lost and Other Passions

Leadville CO, 1994 [Post updated Nov 2021] The Divine Madness running cult of Boulder CO was a hot topic in the mid 90s. I got to see them in action during the 1997 Leadville 100. It had everything lurid for the pre-clickbait era: sex, running, weird diets, and behavioral compulsions. === (4/09) f urther reading on Divine Madness running cult : This Women's Sport and Fitness articl e on Divine Madness and a reporter's infatuation has really gotten a head of steam up. I read it with considerable interest, and located the following pressure points: a sense of longing and lack of fulfillment on the part of the reporter observations of a group dynamic that are manipulative the curiosity of the reporter about how to do better some editorial tweaking to pump up the text for the non-ultra readership [which is infinity minus 8,000, give or take]. For those who've seen Yo Tizer in action at Leadville and are willing to remember, it's memorable. Watching the "Y...