2022 AC100: No 33-36hr Finisher Buckles?

its Notional Recent AC100 rumors suggest that 2022 33-36hr finishers will not get a buckle. Behold the 2022 Buckle, which was orignally presented to the 2016 deserving DFL Post-Cutoff Finisher [Unofficial]. This proposed buckle is now the Second Life as the Avatar of the New Out-N-Back Urge Version of the venerable AC100. Because everybody deserves performance. This may come as a shock to a generation that has gotten used to 50k buckles, and may be an especially tough burn for those lucky enough to have brought *two* shitloads of dimes to the Mt Baden-Powell Toll Booth. Yes, that’s Elder Times Humor. You’ll adjust. I’m sure it’s nothing Grindr can’t fix. However, Mr Trail Safety has a solution. “Idiot child, must I tell you everything?” Sorry, that was a past-life memory working in an ad/design shop on Robertson Blvd in the early 1980s. Because Bobcat Fire. However, there exists a true image of one "Marco", who brought a PNFT [Physical NFT, before they were a thing],...