Bot & Paid For

This is totally legit. Let's say you're a Niche Insta Personality, and seemingly out of nowhere, because you have amazing insights into uric scald, you announce that you have attained 150k followers. Of course, you Praise The Universe. Because the Universe is a giver, right? Probably not. There are dead planets and dying stars to infinity. Let's look closer to home. CUE UP THE BONER-KILLERS This will hurt me more than you, promise . I cut to the chase to save you the heavy lifting. "...In short, a fake Instagram account is one that's not actually run by an individual human being. Some of these accounts are mass-created by people; others are mass-created by bots. Some are used to spam comments, likes, etc., while others are left dormant. Every social media provider is plagued by these fake accounts." [SFX: LAUGHTER] This isn't new. Sitcom laugh tracks for example, which had their origin in radio. Details here : [SFX: APPLAUSE] Clackers: Hired applaude...